In this episode I interview Darell Smith. My path first crossed Darell’s through kid sports and school functions, and I knew pretty early on that I wanted him to come on the podcast. Darell is a real-estate investor, works in the oil industry, and is an avid golfer. He is a jack of all trades and has a wealth of knowledge in many of the areas where I lack. While many of our ideological viewpoints overlap, we differ on the details and come at things from different approaches, which is a good place for conversations to start. You’ll be able to catch Darell on the podcast every now and again to bring in a new perspective. Enjoy this episode!
Be sure to check out this episode on Youtube, Spotify, or wherever you listen to podcast. We are in the ramping up stage for the next iteration of this project. We now have access to a studio for the first time ever! This new space will make recording way easier which means we will start recording more often! be on the look out for the next episode where I will be interviewing and introducing my friend and long term encourager of the podcast Trent Peterson, not only will I be introducing him but also his new podcast Brain Maters, where he will interview people related to the world of therapy and recovery after life altering injuries.